

This page is about the Statistic tools implemented in Cartool, which can be used for example to test Tracks, GFPs, Topographies, Segmentation and Inverse Solution results.


How to run the statistics


Which stats?

Currently, only two sample statistics are implemented. That means it works only on 2 sets (or groups, or conditions) of data per subjects at a time, f.ex. one condition versus a control. If there are more than one condition, either wait for the Anova to be implemented, or run the tests pairs by pairs (though being less informative than an Anova).


All the tests are available in two variations, which are paired and unpaired. You, and only you, know which one applies. Paired tests apply f.ex. (but not only) when the same subjects have performed both conditions. Then it is legitimate to stats on the differences between conditions, which paired tests are precisely doing.


The formulas between paired and unpaired are different, the unpaired ones often resulting in less powerful tests. So prefer the paired tests if you can, but you can still see what happens in the unpaired case, though. Of course, paired conditions need to have the same number of files (i.e. of subjects) in each conditions.

Which cases?

The statistics can currently be applied in 3 different cases:

Two sample statistics

Student t-test

The t-test compares how the means of each conditions are far from each other, by using the standard deviation of the joined data to estimate the probability of being the same. The advantage of this method, en plus to be a standard one, is that it is very fast and straightforward to compute, and will always give the same results if run again.

This is a parametric method, and the model behind it assumes that the data have a Gaussian ("normal") distribution. Practically, it also behaves quite well even if the data are not "normal", which is our case most of the time, unfortunately.


Randomization is a general method that works on any variable you wish, and without any assumption regarding the actual data distribution, hence it is a non-parametric method.

In our case, the test is done on the average across subjects of the variables tested (electrodes' tracks or inverse solution points' tracks). The main idea is that if the data were random, shuffling them somehow will not statistically make any difference as compared to the actual data configuration. The method runs by repeating "enough time" the shuffling so as to be able to estimate the probability that the data were only there by chance.

As a consequence of the very nature of the method, results may slightly vary when run many times. Though, if the number of shuffling is big enough, it should be barely noticeable.


Alias Topographic Anova, this is also part of the non-parametric / randomization techniques. Simply, the variable tested is the dissimilarity between conditions. It will tell if there is any topographical change between conditions, without accounting for intensity.

How to run the statistics

Called from the Tools | Statistics menu, a dialog in two parts appears, both of them having to be correctly filled:

Files dialog

Groups of Files


Data (samples) are Contained in:

Specify here how data are organized within the files provided.

Set of Files

One file per condition and per subject, therefore the data to test have to be retrieved across a set of files for each time frame. This case has a time dimension that can be used .

Files can be any ERP or RIS.

1 File

One file per condition, the data to be tested have been cut & paste -d into a single file. Data are then found sequentially into each file, cancelling any time dimension.

Files can be any ERP or RIS.

.csv File

A multidimensional array in a .csv file, the data are variables computed by the Fitting process . In this case, there is no time dimension, but just a set variables to be tested.

All groups / conditions are usually contained in the same file.

Time interval

If applicable, specify the time interval to be tested for the next input group(s).

Set this parameter before adding a new group!

See this note to get the most of this parameter.


First time frame.


Last time frame.

End of File

Automatically set the last time frame to the actual end of the current file .

Within this Time Interval, using:

How to use this time interval for the next input group(s).

Set this parameter before adding a new group!

Basically, you specify if you want to take each time frame sequentially, or use their mean instead.


You can use the very convenient Drag & Drop feature here.

Add New Group of Files

Enter a new group (condition) of file(s). Depending on the data organization , you have to specify either a set of files, a single file, or a .csv file for a single group.

See this note about groups.

Remove Last Group

Does what it says (amazing).

Use Last Group of Files

Re-use the files (only) of the last group entered. Don't forget to change the time settings before clicking on this button.

See this note about groups.

Clear All Groups

Clear out all the groups at once.

Read Lists from File

You can direclty retrieve the lists of groups previously saved.

See also Drag & Drop.

Write Lists to File

You can save the lists of current groups into a file, in case you want to re-use them (much recommended!).

See the file formats available.

Sort Files within Lists

A strange behavior of Windows is to not respect the order of the files dropped in a window. To help cure this silly habit, you can sort all the file names of all the groups already entered.

Note however that Drag & Dropped files are automatically sorted.

This is an important issue if you are going to do paired tests . The exact match of files between the 2 conditions / groups is of the utmost importance. I can only strongly suggest to save your lists to file, and visually check the sequence.

Number of Groups:

Just a counter of the number of groups entered.

Summary list of all groups

One group is displayed per line, summarizing the time interval, the number of files / samples, and the file names of the first and last item of the group.

Output Files


Output Base File Name

Specify here a basis for all the file names that will be generated during the averaging process.

Output File Type:

Pick the main output file type from a list.

Text files (.txt .ep .eph) might be easier to read into other packages, but take more space on the disk.
Binary files (.sef .eeg .edf .ris ) are much more compact, faster, and incorporate more informations into them. Either .sef or BrainVision .eeg are good choices.

p Value Output:

What actual values are being written in the output files:

  • p
  • (1 - p)
  • - log10 ( p )     (0.01 → 2; 0.001 → 3 etc...)



Open File(s) Upon Completion

To automatically open (most of) the outputed files.

Save Intermediate Results

Save more result files with intermediate results. The files depend of course of each test performed.

An option quite for connoisseur that may confuse you otherwise... Can be useful for figures or to double-check the results.


<< Previous  |  Next >>

Use these buttons to navigate through the previous and next dialogs (if any).

See which current dialog you are in, and to which other dialogs you connect, in the tab-like part at the top of the dialog under the title.


This button actually launches the statistics computation.

This button remains disabled until all the parameter dialogs have received enough (and consistent) informations .


Quit the dialog.


Launch the Help to the right page (should be here...).


Files dialog - Technical points & hints

Time interval uses

Before a new group is added, and if time is relevant , you can specify how to make use of the specified time range:


Default for ERPs is to compare each time frame sequentially. It is also quite common to compare each value sequentially from post-stimulus interval, to a pre-stimulus baseline.

There 4 available baseline formulas: the median being more robust than the mean; the min / max use depend on your data.

How to test groups

You can Drag & Drop these files directly from the Explorer:

It is strongly recommended to use these Drag & Drop features which will tremendously ease your work:

File formats to save or retrieve the lists of groups

Parameters dialog

Variables to test


Electrodes, GFP, or GEV, NumTF...:

The list of variables to be tested, separated either by a space, a colon or a semi-colon.

See this note for the full syntax and possibilities.

Linking with XYZ:

Optionally pointing to a file with the electrodes coordinates and names. The names of the electrodes are taken from this file , overriding the original names from the EEG (i.e. you can rename the electrodes).
Be careful that the list above respect these names, otherwise you will get an error message.

Constraints as in the link mechanism must be respected, such as same number of electrodes, same order, etc...


The ROIs to be used in the statistics.

Note that ROIs and the Electrodes field above are mutually exclusive.

Two-Sample Tests

Right now, Cartool can test only two conditions at a time.

Before running the tests, a parameters checking stage is applied according to the paired or unpaired tests.

Unpaired- / Paired-

Select which one option is relevant to your current analysis.

Before each test, some parameters checking is applied depending on the paired or unpaired selection.


Student's t-test.

Formulas according to the paired / unpaired cases are:

  • Paired: the mean of the differences between conditions.

  • Unpaired: the difference of the means  between conditions.

See also this note about the sign of the differences.


See here for a short description.

Formulas according to the paired / unpaired cases are:

  • Paired: the mean of the differences between conditions.

  • Unpaired: the difference of the means  between conditions.

See the randomization technical points.

See also this note about the sign of the differences.

Topographic Anova

See here for a short description.

See the TAnova technical points.




This is handy to quickly set the main parameters according to the most frequent uses, listed in the drop-down box.

The most important parameters will be set, still some parameters have to be set manually! And, as usual, double check that all your settings make sense...

Data Type:


Only Positive

Data consist of positive only, scalar data. This could be spikes from neuron recordings, or the Results of Inverse Solution, f.ex.

This will logically turn off the Polarity & References options.

See this point on positive data and also this point.


Signed scalar values, like, you know, EEG.

Data reference


No Reference

Data are used as they come from files, no changes occur.

Average Reference

Data are average reference-d.

Maps / Patterns Polarity:



Polarity of maps does not matter, so ignore it. Inverted maps are considered the same (same underlying generators, but with reversed polarity).

Used with the TAnova test on spontaneous EEG recordings or FFT Approximation.


Polarity of maps matter, that is, inverted maps are indeed considered as different.

Used for ERPs.

Data level normalization

This will rescale the data from each file by a given factor, and this is not to be misunderstood with normalization in the sense of a Gaussian distribution.


No rescaling.

Mean Gfp

Each file is divided by its mean Gfp across time, reducing inter-subjects variability.

Mean Gfp paired

The 2 files of the paired conditions (for a given subject) are put together to compute the mean Gfp across time. The resulting factor is applied to both conditions equally.

Doing so has the advantage of reducing the inter-subjects variability, still leaving untouched the differences between the conditions. Using only the Mean Gfp in this case will certainly lead to erroneous results.

Gfp at each TF

For each time frame and for each file, the data are normalized by the Standard Deviation of its electrodes / solution points.

This is a means to cancel the overall intensity of the data, keeping only the topography (scalp electrodes case), or the brain areas configuration (inverse solution case).

Accounting for Missing Values:

This option is activated only when testing results from the Fitting process.

Missing Value:

Give the value that will signify that a value is to be ignored. Cartool's default is -1.

Be careful that no real actual value can be set to that missing value.

Number of randomizations

The number of repetitions of the random process in the Randomization and TAnova tests.

See the randomization technical points.

Default is 5000 for a p-value of 0.01 (the lower the p-value, the higher the number of repetitions has to be)

Multiple-Tests Correction:

You can pick from a list how to correct for type I errors when performing multiple-tests.

Right now, you can choose between Bonferroni and FDR.

See this paragraph for more details.

FDR value:

For FDR correction, provide the actual discovery rate to be used. Default is 5%.

Note that the FDR value is not a p-value.

Thresholding p-value / q-values

Threshold for the p-value (or q-value after the FDR Adjusted values).

Only the values below this percentage will be kept, otherwise p will be set to 1.

Min. Significant Duration:

If the p-values (or q-values) are currently thresholded, it is subsequently possible to test for a minimum successive significant period.

Results only at least significant for the specified amount of time will be kept.

<< Previous  |  Next >>

Use these buttons to navigate through the previous and next dialogs (if any).

See which current dialog you are in, and to which other dialogs you connect, in the tab-like part at the top of the dialog under the title.


This button actually launches the statistics computation.

This button remains disabled until all the parameter dialogs have received enough (and consistent) informations .


Quit the dialog.


Launch the Help to the right page (should be here...).


Parameters dialog - Technical points & hints

Specifying the variables names

The list of variables to be tested can be:

According to what you are testing, a variable name could be (not case sensitive):

ROIs & Statistics

If a .rois file has been provided (also see Creating ROIs), the following processings are done:


This is the best way to tests your ROIs in Cartool!

First, the normalization is sure to be correct, with the original GFPs. In the case you compute the ROIs yourself before the stats, make sure to do all level corrections at that stage (and check off normalization in the stats!). This is your responsability! BTW, re-referencing has the same problems, for the same reasons.

Second, the ROIs averaging is done on-the-fly, meaning you don't have to create these averaged files yourself. That is, less errors, less time wasted, and all the flexibility to test for other ROIs. As a side effect, you can also recover the averaged ROIs data, if you asked for saving intermediate results.

Cartool will finally correctly report the number of ROIs as being the number or variables tested. This is used for Bonferroni correction f.ex.

Parameters checking

Number of repetitions for the Randomization process

Multiple-Tests Correction

When simultaneously testing multiple electrodes / solution points, it is a recommended practice to correct for type I errors.

Cartool offers currently 4 options:


The two FDR options should somehow lead to the same results, the main difference being the first one still outputs p-values, while not the second one.


Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing,
Yoav Benjamini, Yosef Hochberg,
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), Vol. 57, No. 1 (1995), pp. 289-300. 

TAnova (Topographic Anova) method

The following randomization procedure is applied (for each time frame):

Sign for the t-test and the Randomization

In case you need to know which of the two conditions was above / greater than the other one, you need to know how the subtraction was performed during the tests.

Cartool always compute differences as  group 1 - group 2.

So f.ex. a positive t-value at a given Time Frame means group 2 is below / less than group 1 at that moment.

Positive Data and its implications

Selecting Positive Data means data should not be re-centered to their average values in any of the computations. Of course don't select this if the data are signed, it will not convert them at all!


The following formula will therefore skip the average reference subtraction:


Some formula still subtract the average reference, to be consistent with pattern matching techniques:

Statistics - Results

Directory structure

First of all, a directory structure is created as follow:

This way, results are not mixed across different tests, and you can later run a specific test without erasing the previous results of other tests.

Result files

The files within these directories, one for each type of test, are the following:

For the t-test, you have this additional file:


When testing Fitting variables, you have this additional file:


If the Save Intermediate Results option has been selected, you will get these more files: