General Concepts


Files and Views
Linking Files Together
Slave Windows

Files and Views

Opening files
Adding new views
Deleting views
Using views

Opening files

As with all programs, you can:

The file opens as a Document inside Cartool, with a default View attached to it. Then you can add new views to the document, that can be of different types of display, or delete the views . When the last view is destroyed, the document is closed and removed from Cartool's memory.

Adding new views

You can add as many views to the same document as you wish, all showing the same data from the Document. You can use either:

Deleting views

Simply destroy the window by closing it.

When the last View of a Document has been closed, the Document itself is closed, and removed from Cartool's memory.

Using views

Here is what you can do with all views:

Linking Files Together

Linking files is a key feature of Cartool, so it is very important to get used to it and to understand all the benefits you can get from it.


What is "linking files"?
Link display explained
How to link files together
How to use the linked files
Creating new windows
More technical points

What is "linking files"?

Simply, it is binding together files that are in some way related and consistent relatively to each others. This is achieved (right now) through a simple listing in a .lm file , and brings the following benefits:

Link display explained

Here are the windows you will see when dealing with link files:

How to link files together

Create a special file of type .lm, with one of these way:


Update the link at any time with:


On each addition of a new file, here is what happen in real time:

How to use the linked files

Once open, from the link window itself, you can operate on the windows it manages:

Creating new windows

More interesting is what you can do from any window managed by the linked files (say, from an EEG window). As said earlier, informations are now shared amongst all the files. By requesting a new view , a context sensitive list of currently available displays will pop out. See also the related topic on " slave windows ".

Currently, here are the different types of windows (according to the link content):


The  Synchronizing  menu, together with the following buttons, provide some predefined way to synchronize the managed slave windows :

More technical points

When opening a link file, Cartool will open all the files listed into it. Many of them will be straight away minimized to clean up a bit the display. Typically, the electrode coordinates, inverse solutions matrices, MRI's etc...

Creating a new view from a given window will actually create as many views as there are EEG files , one for each of them. The new views will be assigned the rightmost position of all managed windows .

Slave Windows

See the Linking files paragraph beforehand, as it applies to windows created within the link mechanism only .


Windows in slavery...
Controlling your slave windows 


Windows in slavery...

All views managed by the link mechanism are not equals, the EEG display naturally leading all the others attached to it as it contains the source of the data flow, thus being the "master". All the other windows are therefore "slaves" to it, and need at least one "master" for existing (see here for a summary of the various windows available).
F.ex. moving the cursor inside the EEG window (on the left, the master), will drive and update the scalp potentials window (on the right, the slave) in real time:


You can have for the same EEG as many windows as you want, just create them. New "slave" windows will be assigned the last EEG "master" window created. Two examples here show 1 tracks display and 3 potentials display associated, then 2 tracks display and respectively 2 and 1 potentials displays associated:

Note that the potential windows, though they usually share a single EEG tracks display, are independent one of the others. That means the time cursor is moved only for this particular window.

Controlling your slave windows

Slave windows have a few extra controls over the world (a little compensation...):