General Commands for all Windows


All views are now drawn using the OpenGL library, allowing to show and manipulate objects in a 3D world. Here are introduced all the commands common to all views.



All basic mouse operations
Visual hints during mouse operation
Polling or Selecting
Moving the clipping planes
Setting brightness and contrast


Moving clipping planes
Bitmap copy / snapshot

Common commands - Buttons

Linking to another 3D view 

Graphical links allow drawing the contents of other windows inside a specific one. You can increase the visual message and check data consistency, through this 3D-consistent inclusion. For example, linking 2 windows with MRIs, one with a segmented brain and the other one with a full head would give:

+ link to

How to do graphical links:

Some remarks:


Rendering is about changing the modality your data are being displayed with . By modality, we mean things like transparency versus opacity , or different kind of transparencies , different ways of tiling tracks , etc...

Each kind of display has its own set of renderings, which you can cycle through with this button. Also, most displays of course include many additional parameters to help refine the current rendering, but the main switch is still the rendering mode itself.

For example, here are some renderings from the MRI / Volume display , showing either opaque slices, a full transparent surface or a full opaque surface:



Note: nearly all displays include a "void" rendering in their list of renderings, which actually turns off the display. This is useful when you have included a window into another one and want to temporarily hide it while keeping the link.

Default orientation(s) 

The default is to reset to original 3D orientation. However, in some cases (MRI, inverse solution...), the buttons will toggle through a serie of predefined orientations, f.ex. sagittal, coronal, transverse. See also mouse rotation.


By clicking on this button, you enter the magnifier mode, which graphically zooms the current window. Just move the loupe around the window to see what's going on there. You can temporarily have a better idea of a small, or intricate area.

Another way to start this mode is by first setting the mouse pointer where you wish to see more, then press G to magnify. You can again move the pointer.

Quit the magnifier simply by clicking.

The magnifier acts purely in 2D, like zooming a picture, and does not affect any 3D settings.

Common commands - Mouse

All basic mouse operations

Alternate key

Mouse button









Polling or Selecting

Setting to bad 



Brightness / Contrast


Moving clipping planes


Visual hints during mouse operation

Cartool will superimpose on the display a kind of iconic hint of what the current mouse operation is. This is to help the users know (and use) better all the mouse functionnalities, which are designed to improve your experience.

These hints may vary according to the current type of display, here are some examples of the most common ones for operations like rotation, zoom, brightness (FYI it's the yellowish stuff):


Using the mouse with the left button depressed, you can set the current rotation of the object. The effect will be different according to the relative position of the mouse in the window:


The visual hints associated, for the central part of the window, without and with the Alt key:

The visual hints associated, for the peripheric part of the window, without and with the Alt key:


With the mouse left button and the Control key depressed, you control the 3D zoom of the object, that is how big it is rendered inside the window:


The visual hints associated, for zooming out and zooming in:

Polling or Selecting

While pressing the middle button (yes, under the scroll wheel!) of the mouse, you can poll or select things from what you see, and get some informations out of it:


Note: In the case of the EEG 2D display, the Polling mechanism is overriden to a track selection mechanism .


An example of polling into a MRI with Talairach capabilities , showing what the user can see on the screen, and the resulting 12 fields  from the Clipboard, each separated by a Tab:

45.57  74.68  73.43  18  15  -1  Right Cerebrum  Sub-lobar  Lentiform Nucleus  Gray Matter  Putamen  164

Another example, here polling into some Electrode coordinates:

0.41  0.22  0.88                                                                                     17

The clipboard is always filled with 12 Tab separated fields :

Any missing piece of information is replaced by a blank Tab, so you always get 12 fields to help you devise any sort of automation on the retrieved data.


Finally, if another window is graphically linked into the current one, it can slightly modify the content of what you clicked onto. For example, it can jump right on the center of the Solution points, and add the information pertaining to that solution point:


With the mouse middle button and the Shift key depressed, you can optionally set an electrode as bad. Presently this works only within a few views (electrodes coordinates, potentials display). The result should be straightforward, by changing the electrode's color.

Moving the clipping planes

(if clipping planes are available within the current view)

With the mouse right button and the Control key depressed, you can move the clipping planes (can also be done from the keyboard ):

Release the right mouse if the selected axis is not the one you expected, and try again. Most of the time, the guess is correct, but if  the projected axis are very close, it might prove impossible (here the Y-green and Z-blue axis are too close):


The visual hint associated:

Setting brightness and contrast

With the mouse right button, you can adjust the brightness, if the initial motion is horizontal, leftward decreases respectively rightward increases it.
If the initial motion is vertical, downward decreases and upward increases the contrast.


The visual hints associated:

Common commands - Keyboard

See here for basic commands from the keyboard.


By pressing X, Y or Z you rotate the object, and with Shift depressed, you counter-rotate. See here for rotating with the mouse.

Moving the clipping planes

Apart from using the mouse to move the clipping planes , by first pressing keypad + or - , then on  X, Y or Z , you can shift the corresponding plane.

Copy as Bitmap (snapshot)

To copy the visual content of the current window, use  Edit | Copy as bitmap   or use keyboard Control + C. The snapshot will be placed in the clipboard, ready to be pasted into whatever other program you use (Word, Powerpoint, Photoshop, etc..).

During the snapshot, Cartool tunes up many parameters to make the display even more precise and beautiful, f.ex.:

All these features come with a (CPU) cost, and most of the time you will not notice it. But in some complex windows (MRI shown in slices, or many linked windows), the extra time taken can be noticeable. Just be patient, the results will be worth it.

Here is an example of a normal MRI window, with the blue background (note the jagged borders with the background, and the inner jagged colors), and the same window once copied, with the white background (no more jagged borders, and more spatial and color resolution within the slice):