Scalp & Intracranial Potentials Display


If you have no idea how to get this display on the first hand, it will help if you read this topic first.





Technical points

How do I get this display?
ROIs and potentials display

Potentials - Buttons


(Go here for basic explanations on rendering)
Toggles between 4 display modes:

Show electrodes 

Show the electrodes positions. It currently toggles between 3 modes:

Show electrode names 

Show the names of the electrodes, each name within its own semi-transparent window.

Show tracks on top 

This is actually a handy shortcut to the EEG window itself, to turn it into the 3D tracks rendering, and then applying a graphical link to see the tracks in 3D superimposed  to the potentials. See an example here in 3D and in 2D:

Plus, you can combine the "tracks on top" with ROIs .

Project in 2D 

Enables you to see all your data on a flat surface. Mostly, it does a projection of the 3D model . What has been detected as "the top" is used as the center of the projection, and everything un-warps from there (I'm still searching for the name of that projection).

 It currently toggles between 3 modes:

If the electrode model includes more than surface electrodes, that is single electrodes, strips, grids , they will also be rendered in 2D in a synthetic and ordered way . Still the idea is to give the user an idea of what the data are, avoiding anything to be hidden by another object. F.ex. a few strips in 3D and then in 2D:

Show Min and Max positions 

Add a 3D cross where the minimum and maximum values are. It's also a 3 states buttons, with two different sizes for the cross availables:


See the MRI Brightness.


See the MRI Contrast.

Color auto scaling 

See the MRI Color auto scaling.

Color modes 

4 different color modes are possible, for negative / 0 / positive values:

Switch to another electrode coordinates file 

The link file can contain more than one electrode coordinates file . In this case, you can use any of these models to show your data. F.ex. you can have a standard (and smooth) model, plus the actual model (less smooth) of a given subject, and switch from one to another. F.ex.:

Potentials - Mouse

See the general mouse actions, and especially the brightness and contrast control and the polling function .

Potentials - Menus

Search menu

Options menu

Potentials - Technical points

How do I get this display?

This display is actually automatically generated when enough files have been linked together, and therefore share enough informations together.

So, simply put at least these kind of files:


Putting many EEG files will display as many maps as there are of EEGs, but putting many coordinates files does not. This last case allows you to switch in real-time between different 3D models, f.ex. between a real model from a subject, and an average one. All the maps of the link being changed at once.


Important points:


Recommended readings: the fabulous Linking Files story, as well as the infamous " windows in slavery ".

ROIs and potentials display

Well, there is no direct control / button for ROIs in the potential display. This is done through the usual ones, and from the EEG tracks ROI controls .

So, if the EEG display is in ROIs mode, showing the tracks on top will show the tracks grouped by roi , with the underlying map unchanged:

Now, if the rois are averaged, then the averaged tracks are shown, and the underlying map shows the averaged values , too (the electrodes not within a roi are set to zero):