File Calculator


What is the File Calculator?
How to run the File Calculator
Results of Inverse Solution
Technical points and hints

What is the File Calculator?

This is a tool to batch-process sets of files with a mathematical expression of your liking. There can be many sets of files to use, but each set should be somehow a coherent one, f.ex. all the files of all subjects for one condition. Expressions are composed with elementary operations, see below.

How to run the File Calculator

Call the dialog from Tools | File Calculator menu.

The following dialog pops out. Fill the parameters which are relevant for you, drop the sets of files to process, then click either on the Process button:

Groups of Files

You can Drag & Drop files here.

Add New Group of Files

Enter a new group of files.

See this note about groups.

Remove Last Group

Does what it says (amazing).

Clear All Groups

Clear out all the groups at once.

Read Lists from File

You can direclty retrieve the lists of groups previously saved.

Write Lists to File

You can save the lists of current groups into a file, in case you want to re-use them (much recommended!).

Sort Files within Lists

A strange behavior of Windows is to not respect the order of the files dropped in a window. To help cure this silly habit, you can sort all the file names of all the groups already entered.

Note however that Drag & Dropped files are automatically sorted.

This is an important issue, as we're going to process files in parallel between groups!

Number of Groups:

Just a counter of the number of groups entered.

Summary list of all groups

One group is displayed per line.


Enter the expression to be evaluated. Be sure you have entered all the groups needed by your expression!

Output File Type


EP (text)

Text file, see the .ep file specification.

EPH (text)

Text file, see the .eph file specification.

SEF (binary)

Binary file, see the .sef file specification.

Compact format which can handle all the basic informations for EEG.

EDF (binary)

Binary file, see the .edf file specification.

Useful only for data interchange, otherwise don't use (loss of precision)!

RIS (binary)

Binary file, see the .ris file specification.

Produced by the matrix multiplication / Inverse Solution computation.



Output Directory

What it says: where to put the results!

Generate file names as:


Compound of Operations

Each file name will hold a condensed version of the operations applied from the originals. See this note.

Use this if you want to remember precisely what are your files, f.ex. for Inverse Solutions. Be aware that too many operations will generate very long and unreadible file names, and can even crash Cartool.

Simply Numbered

Just generate file names as a numbered list. See this note.


Run the batch processing.

The button remains disabled until all parameters are OK.


Quit the dialog.


Launch the Help to the right page (should be here...).


You have to provide a mathematical expression to be applied on your files.

First understand what is meant by groups of files, then see what operations can be applied to them.

Groups of files

Operands are usually whole sets of files, and each set should have some coherence of its own :


Among groups, however, sizes and types can differ. However a given operation should receive compatible groups, f.ex.:


Groups are used by sequentially and synchronically processing each of their files , f.ex. summing all the files of two groups:



"+" operation



cond1.subj1 + cond2.subj1



cond1.subj2 + cond2.subj2



cond1.subj3 + cond2.subj3






cond1.subjn + cond2.subjn


Matrix multiplication, though, is a special case. One matrix is taken, then all the EEG are multiplied to it, then the next matrix, and so on:



"*" operation



matrix1 * subj1
matrix1 * subj2
matrix1 * subj3
matrix1 * subjn



matrix2 * subj1
matrix2 * subj2
matrix2 * subj3
matrix2 * subjn






matrixm * subj1
matrixm * subj2
matrixm * subj3
matrixm * subjn

Operations & functions available

Group, Group1, Group2... are groups of files.
Value is a scalar value.
Vector3D is a 3D vector (x, y, z).


Operation & operands


Type of results

Group + Value
Value + Group

Add a constant value to a group of files.
Input files should contain scalar values.

scalar values

Group + Vector3D

Add a constant vector to a group of files.
Input files should contain 3D vectors.

3D vectors

Group1 + Group2

Sum all files of Group1 with the files of Group2.
Input files should both contain either scalar values or 3D vectors, but not a mix of the two.

scalar values if input are scalar values,
3D vectors if input are 3D vectors

Group - Value

Subtract a constant value to a group of files.
Input files should contain scalar values.

scalar values

Group - Vector3D

Subtract a constant vector to a group of files.
Input files should contain 3D vectors.

3D vectors

Group1 - Group2

Subtract all files of Group1 with the files of Group2.
Input files should both contain either scalar values or 3D vectors, but not a mix of the two.

scalar values if input are scalar values,
3D vectors if input are 3D vectors

Group * Value
Value * Group

Multiply the group of files by a constant value.
Input files could contain either scalar values or 3D vectors.

scalar values if input are scalar values,
3D vectors if input are 3D vectors

Group1 * Group2

Multiply all files from Group1 by the files of Group2.
Group1 should contain matrices.
Group2 should contain files of 2D data, like EEG.

scalar values or 3D vectors according to each matrix

Group / Value

Divide the group of files by a constant value.
Input files could contain either scalar values or 3D vectors.

scalar values if input are scalar values,
3D vectors if input are 3D vectors


Function & operands


Type of results

Abs ( Group )

Input files are scalar values: absolute values.
Input files are 3D vectors: norm of the vectors.

scalar values

Scalar ( Group )

Input files are scalar values: values untouched.
Input files are 3D vectors: norm of the vectors.

scalar values

Sqr ( Group )

Input files are scalar values: the square of the values.
Input files are 3D vectors: square of the norm of the vectors.

scalar values

Sqrt ( Group )

Input files are scalar values: the square root of the values.
Input files are 3D vectors: not allowed.

scalar values


Examples of expressions


Handy to just rename a bunch of files, and / or convert format. Check Simply Numbered from the Generate file names option.

Group1 * Group2

Compute the results of Inverse Solutions, if Group1 holds the matrices and Group2 the EEG.
Outputted .ris files can be either scalar or vectorial.

See the next paragraph for more on IS.

Group1 - Group2

Compute the differences between two sets of files.
This could be either 2 EEGs or 2 results from Inverse Solution. In the last case, they can correctly be either of scalar or vectorial types.

( 3 * Group1 + 2 * Group2 ) / 5

Do a weighted sum of two groups.
Groups can be either scalars or vectorials.

Computing "Results of Inverse Solutions"


It is now strongly recommended to use the new dedicated tool to compute the results of inverse solutions .

This tool offers much more controls over this process, like preprocessing filter, postprocessing standardization, per group average etc... It also performs numerous consistency checks on all the input files, so the results are also safer.

Use that tool - now.

The old way - if you really insist:

You can use the File Calculator to produce the final stage of the Inverse Solution, what we call Results of Inverse Solution, or RIS (see .ris files). Provided one or more matrix(ces) of Inverse Solution , you can batch this computation according to your needs.

To see how you can compute the inverse matrices, go here, and to see how you can use these matrices for display, go here.


Say we dropped the matrices into Group1, and some ERPs for two conditions into Group2 and Group3 respectively. Here are the most common options to compute the results of inverse solutions (which one is "the right one" depends on your experiment, paradigm and tests):


Group1 * Group2


Group1 * Group3

Multiplying the matrices by the EEGs is the basic operation.

The resulting files can either hold vectors (the most common cases) or scalar values for each solution points location, which is quite important to know for your next steps (usually, statistics).

Scalar ( Group1 * Group2 )


Scalar ( Group1 * Group3 )

We can add a step to the multiplication, by forcing the results to be scalar values.

If the results of the multiplication are vectors, the Scalar operation will convert them to their (Euclidian) norm. This is the same as the Abs function.

If the results of the multiplication are already scalars, the Scalar operation will do nothing. This is not the same as the Abs function, as the Abs will remove the sign of the scalar values, which Scalar does preserve.

Group1 * ( Group2 - Group3 )


Group1 * Group2 - Group1 * Group3

We can compute the difference in the inverse solution space between the two conditions. The two formula are mathematically equivalent, though the former is faster (2 operations, and only one multiplication).

This formula accounts for the directions of the vectors in the inverse space: vectors are being subtracted between the 2 conditions.

Abs ( Group1 * ( Group2 - Group3 ) )


Abs ( Group1 * Group2 - Group1 * Group3 )

Same as above, then converting to the absolute / norm values. We end up with the intensity of the vectorial differences between the two conditions.

Scalar ( Group1 * Group2 )
- Scalar ( Group1 * Group3 )

For vectorial inverse, this computes the difference of intensities between the two conditions, without accounting whatsoever with the directions of the vectors.

For scalar inverse, this computes the difference of (signed) values between the two conditions

Results are signed scalar values (positive and negative).

Abs ( Scalar ( Group1 * Group2 )
- Scalar ( Group1 * Group3 ) )


Same as above, then converting all differences into positive values.

Abs ( Abs ( Group1 * Group2 )
- Abs ( Group1 * Group3 ) )

We compute here the difference of absolute intensities between the two conditions (without, for the vectorial inverse, accounting whatsoever for the directions of the vectors).

Results are positive scalar values.

Abs ( Sqr ( Group1 * Group2 )
- Sqr ( Group1 * Group3 ) )

Just a variation of the previous formula, giving the absolute difference of powers between the two conditions.

File Calculator - Results

File Calculator - Technical points and hints

Output file names

By default, Cartool will generate file names that reflect the whole set of operations. These are not exact replicas of the expression, but rather a construction derived of it. This is meant to help remember what operations have been done on the files.

To do so, it will use the original file names, insert the operators / functions used one at a time, then optinally shrink the resulting file names if they appear to be too long. F.ex.:


One problem arises with operator like * / and the like, which Windows does not want at all in file names. In these cases, a "." (dot) is used instead of the operator.


If not a compound of operations, file names will simply repeat the last directory part of the Base Directory, then add an index value, f.ex.:

Disk space

All these operations will use the disk to store the temporary and the final results. There is no way to do otherwise, as you know, this is a batch tool! Plus you can process gigabytes of data.

Consequently, think of having some significant room left on your hard drive ! The more elaborated your expression, the more space you need, but as a rule of thumb, say you need 3 times the amount of data you process in free space (if data are already in binary format, otherwise, maybe 2 times should be fine).


Some errors in your expression can be detected when you start the processing, like missing parenthesis, missing operands and the like.

But some other errors will be only be found when reaching the problematic part, like wrong types of operands (adding vectors to scalars).